learn how to use a semicolon properly before scattering them in almost every paragraph. Dropped commas EVERYWHERE, and en dashes used where commas or periods should be. I lost track of the number of run-on sentences (hint: it's a lot) and yet every other sentence was some contrived simile or metaphor. The author has a significant misunderstanding of how to use dialogue tags properly. There are some serious problems with even just the fundamentals.

It is not just a question of style, in this case. Now, on to the bulk of the problems with this book: the writing. Suffice it to say, that was very irritating. So many times, I had to go back and read a section to try and understand how it had progressed so quickly in just one or two paragraphs. "Torn" is, unfortunately, firmly in the latter group. I love a fast paced book, but there's a difference in a fast pace and just rushing through things. It was an interesting enough story, but it was very underdeveloped.

I've got some words for you.įirst off, I will give credit to the basic plot. It was being hyped by a few reputable people, and I love a good fairytale retelling, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I'll start by saying that I got wind of this book on BookTok.